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山推重磅亮相URUForest 2024
   2024-10-25  中国机械网

近日,URUForest 2024-第一届林业、农业和环境博览会在乌拉圭科洛尼亚圆满举行。山推凭借卓越的产品和技术实力,成为本次博览会的一大亮点。

Recently, URUForest 2024- the first Forestry, Agriculture and Environment Expo took place in Colonia, Uruguay. At the exhibition site, Shantui has become a highlight of the expo with its excellent products and technical strength.


At this exhibition, Santui exhibited a number of equipment, including the SBH388 excavator, SD22F bulldozer, SE220LC excavator and SR10-B6. Among them, the SE220LC excavator, as a new 22-ton excavator launched by Shantui this year, is tailor-made for logging conditions, with excellent dynamic performance, flexible operation and excellent environmental adaptability, bringing a new solution for forestry workers.

此次山推亮相URUForest 2024,不仅展示了在林业、农业机械领域的技术实力,还通过实机展示与现场互动,强化了与当地客户的联系。未来,山推将继续致力于为全球客户提供更加专业、可靠、高效的机械设备,为推动全球林业和农业的可持续发展贡献力量。

Shantui's appearance at URUForest 2024 not only demonstrated its technical strength in the field of forestry and agricultural machinery, but also strengthened its connection with local customers through physical display and on-site interaction. In the future, Shantui will continue to be committed to providing global customers with more professional, reliable and efficient machinery and equipment, and contribute to promoting the sustainable development of global forestry and agriculture.

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